Craig of the Creek's overarching story continues to wow me with the introduction of even more world building, lore and backstories! Let's discuss what's been. The American animated television series Craig of the Creek features a cast created by Matt Burnett and Ben Levin. The series focuses on a trio of kids, collectively referred to as the 'Stump Kids', lead by Craig (voiced by Philip Solomon) a young boy who wants to explore and map as much of the wide and mysterious creek located in the fictional suburban town of Herkleston, Maryland.

  1. Craig Of The Creek Shimeji Oregon
  2. Craig Of The Creek Shimeji Co
  3. Craig Of The Creek Shimeji Ca
  4. Craig Of The Creek Shimeji Ranch

Go To

When it's time to go to bed, I know I don't have to feel alone, 'cause I'll see you tomorrow, at the creek
'“We’ve seen a lot of positive reactions to [the show], especially moments like in the credit sequence where we see Craig just having dinner with his family,” Levin says. “People have pointed that out, like, ‘this is so refreshing to see on television.’ We’re looking to show those little moments. They’re not big political statements, but they can mean so much to people.”'
—'A quote by Ben Levin from an article by Fast Company'
  • The ending credits song played to Craig's family together for dinner listening to Jessica.
    • Bernard smiling at the end, showing he's not as cynical as he presents himself.

Itch to Explore:

  • Craig, Kelsey and J.P. letting the Scratchless One keep The Poison Ivy Grove to himself.

You're It:

  • Kelsey willing to abandon the Creek so that no others will have to worry about getting tagged.
  • Craig's speech about how warriors can have feelings too and she has to fight for her right to stay at the creek.

Jessica Goes To The Creek:

  • Craig apologizing to Jessica about snapping at her and wiping her tears/snot away.
  • Kit being friendly to Jessica when Craig brings her to the trading tree.

The Final Book:

  • Kelsey willing to try a book she doesn't like so that Stacks will have a friend to talk about said book with.

Escape from Family Dinner:

  • The talk Craig has with his parents about what's been going on with his life along with Nicole explaining why she wanted to hold the family dinner in the first place.

Monster in the Garden

  • Seeing Bernard smiling and being kind to his grandma during their visit is really sweet.

The Curse:

  • Tabitha and Courtney's relationship. They only want to spend time with one another, and a later episode reveals it's not just friendship either.
  • The goth girls becoming fond of the kids after they helped them get away from Tabitha's meddling dad and deciding to use their witch act to help them from now on.
Craig of the creek shimeji oregon

Bring Out Your Beast:

  • Bernard letting Craig play with his cards.

The Brood:

  • Both the fact that Craig's Granddad doesn't hold it against Craig for accidentally breaking his cicada shell and Craig's determination to replace it.

Doorway to Helen

  • Craig's friendship with Helen. Even through they don't understand that they just go to the creek at different times from each other and believe that the other is in a different dimension they manage to form a beautiful friendship just from their letters.

Secert Book Club

  • Kelsey forming a secret book club with JP, Craig and Stacks, so that they can enjoy the book that she's interested in.

The Shortcut:

  • A cute moment where Craig catches Kit when she's about to trip into the water, and the small smiles they give each other afterwards.

Alone Quest:

  • When Craig and J.P. return to the creek, the latter tells Kelsey from her dad that 'he treasures every day with you'. This confuses Kelsey, but makes sense when you consider how anxious Kelsey's dad got, a few minutes earlier, when he thought Craig and J.P. were going to tell him something really bad had happened to his daughter.
  • Kelsey being able to enjoy her alone time without feeling bored or miserable. It's nice to show how kids can still have fun by themselves if their friends are unavailable to play with them.
  • 'It's a beautiful day mom'.

Kelsey the Elder:

  • Its subtle, but while Elders Mark and Barry are distracted by their spat, Elder David is more focused on making sure Kelsey enjoys her first tabletop experience. Those familiar with railroading D Ms and power gamers will find it sweet to see a veteran encouraging a newcomer.

Turning The Tables:

  • Craig feeling guilty about how bad he's treated Bernard through the episode, which culminates with him trying to reason with Bernard's rude customer. Two fourth-graders swindling a man out of twenty dollars has never been so heartwarming.
Craig Of The Creek Shimeji

Sparkle Cadet:

Craig Of The Creek Shimeji Oregon

  • The fact that the 'Anti-Sparkle' is defeated by Craig, J.P. and Sparkle Cadet simply listening to Kelsey vent about her terrible day, even as she insists several times it's stupid.
  • Sparkle Cadet's character in general. For many viewers, it's touching to see a black girl with a cute magical girl theme whose dedicated to spreading happiness and positivity to those around her. It's a rare form of representation that most kids don't get to see.

Cousin Of The Creek:

  • It's a small detail but Duane styling Jessica's hair for her at the very beginning of the episode is very cute.
  • The whole 'Duane thinks Jessica loves Darnell more than him' B-plot is mostly played for laughs, but his love for Jessica is actually pretty touching, especially with how happy he looks when Jessica hugs him at the end of the episode.

Evolution Of Craig:

  • Craig's granddad quickly realizes that Craig is clearly feeling bummed out about entering fifth grade, and lets Bernard take the car so the two of them can spend some more time together and he can try to cheer Craig up.
  • Craig's sheer excitement at watching the tadpole 'evolve' into a frog is really adorable.

Sleepover At J.P.'s:

  • The whole reason J.P. wanted his friends to go to his sleepover was because he wanted his mom, an airline pilot who is always busy because of her job, to finally meet his best friends.
  • Boris is moved to tears by J.P.'s motivation that he allows the Stump Trio to escape confinement by tearing down the tree they were stuck to so they can go home.

Tea Timer's Ball:

  • When Kelsey accepts Aaron's public proposal to the ball out of pressure, Maney and J.P. frequently assure her that she is allowed to turn down his offer if she doesn't feel comfortable or have any romantic feelings for him. It's a refreshing message on how it's okay for girls to turn down offers from guys asking them out and how they shouldn't feel ashamed or guilty for doing so.
    • And after Kelsey goes through with turning down Aaron (albeit with some shouting involved), the boy apologizes for what he put her through and walks away without trouble. And not once is Kelsey is ever treated as 'the bad guy'.
  • Maney and J.P.'s interactions throughout the episode was ripe with sweetness as the two showcase the qualities of a healthy and loving couple.

Secret in a Bottle:

  • At the climax of the episode, all the kids and Elders openly confess their secrets so that they wouldn't have to give away their prized possessions. And rather than getting angry at each other, they confide in one another as friends.
  • The Secret Kid is portrayed as an honestly good guy. He takes his job as the Creek's Secret Keeper very seriously and wants to preserve their privacy. He even takes the fall for Marie when Eliza reveals her secret dislike of horses and claims it as his own.

Trading Day:

  • Kit is revealed to give free snacks to Todd from the Ten Speeds (you remember him right?) who is allergic to a variety of foods.

The End Was Here:

  • At the end of the episode, Craig realizes that it doesn't matter what created the war between the First Ones of the Creek, but what does is that the Present Kids of the Creek make better relations with each other so that another war doesn't happen. And he starts by offering his rival Jason a chance to hang out with him and his friends.

The Other Side: The Tournament

  • After Craig spends a good amount of the episode worrying that his card for his dad's birthday would be disappointing compared to the smart watch Bernard bought, Duane is seen loving the card just as much as Craig hoped he would.

The Ice Pop Trio

  • Craig, Cannonball, and Sparkle Cadet going on their own adventure while the other kids are on vacation, even agreeing at the end of the episode to do it again in the future.

Afternoon Snackdown

  • Craig revealing why he makes spider bites.

Creature Feature

  • Bernard's friends making sure that JP and Kelsey are safe.
    • One of Bernard's friends was willing to throw JP out the window to protect.
    • Bernard punching the swamp monster to protect Craig and his girlfriend.

The Rise and Fall of the Green Poncho

  • After most of the creek council doesn't take Craig and Omar's warning about the other side seriously, we see that Cannonball, the Sewer Queen, and Jason are willing to hear them out.

Alternate Creekiverse

  • Even in a reality where they didn't initially hang out, Craig, Kelsey, and J.P. can't imagine themselves not eventually becoming friends.

Snow Day

  • Bernard's joy of finally having a snow day for the first time in years.

Breaking the Ice

  • Wildernessa apologizing to Craig for tearing him down, and then giving him her dog whistle so that he can call her and Cheesesticks if he's alone or in danger again.

Winter Creeklympics

  • Even though Craig, Kelsey, and J.P. fail to win any medals, they realize that having fun is more important.

Fan or Foe

  • Craig throwing the trivia challenge so as not to risk his new friendship with Diane, a fellow Slyde the Ferret fan.
  • Kelsey sharing her graphic novel with the kid selling stickers and vice versa.

Craig Of The Creek Shimeji Co

The New Jersey

Craig Of The Creek Shimeji Ca

  • J.P.'s dad sending him a jersey that looks just like his old one, realizing that it's what would make J.P. happy.

Craig Of The Creek Shimeji Ranch

The Sunflower

  • While Kelsey's attempts at helping Sun get over the death of her pet hamster might not have been timed well, it's still shows how much she cares about her new friend to put that much effort into it.
  • After helping the sunflower grow with the aid of Kelsey, Sun finally comes to terms with Cookie's death and is smiling again.
