Being photogenic is such a blessing. Some people really manage to look amazing in every photo. It’s so unfair. The thing about being photogenic is that photogenic people come in all shapes and sizes. And that’s because they all have a secret.

It works similarly to the regular Facetune photo app. Just upload a video from your camera roll, and reshape your eyes, eyebrows, nose or facial structure to your liking using a built-in slider.

We can teach you all the tips on how to take a good selfie, but the secret to being photogenic is all about proportions. An odd angle or some bad lighting can make parts of your face look a little bit funky. You won’t look terrible, just a little weird. If you’ve ever met someone who is totally gorgeous but looks awful in pictures, you’ll know what I’m talking about. It’s because the proportions of their face look super weird through a camera lens, even if they’re totally stunning IRL.

Your Selfies have never looked so good.
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The best way to fix that and make sure you look great in every photo is to just touch up the bits that look weird when you use a camera. This way, you can bring focus to your best features and cleverly disguise the rest.

How to fix hair on facetune 2

One of the most obvious ways to do this is to bring your hairline down. Let’s be honest, except for Jason Statham, all good-looking people have a good hairline. A large forehead can distract and draw attention away from your eyes, so if your hair is quite far back, people focus on the wrong part of your face, and you look out of proportion. By slightly altering your hairline, you can change all the proportions on your face and become the most photogenic person you know. Okay, so it’s not really photogenic, but it still counts, and it’s super easy to do.

Step 1: Open your selfie in our Facetune2 selfie editor app and select the Reshape function from the bottom bar.

Step 2: From the Reshape menu, select the Reshape function and gently brush your fingers from your hairline down towards your eyebrows to lower your hairline.

How To Reshape Nose On Facetune

Step 3: Then select the Refine function to blend and smooth your hairline into a natural shape.

Step 4: If you feel you need to increase your hair’s volume or amount for it to look natural, you can use the Resize option in your hair to boost your hair.

How to fix hair on facetune 2

Bonus Step: If you feel like you can’t lower your hairline anymore but still want to shrink your forehead, select the Face function, then the Eyebrows function to raise your eyebrows and increase their size.


How To Fix Hair On Facetune 2

It's never been easier to retouch your selfie videos.
Install Facetune Video Now.

How To Fix Flashback On Facetune

Editing photos has come a long way from the early days. A few tweaks here and there, and suddenly you’re super photogenic but still look supernatural. Lowering your hairline can bring so much focus and attention to your eyes and your smile and bring your face back into proportion. Being photogenic is easy if you know how!

How To Fix Eyebrows On Facetune

Don’t forget to add in some extremely witty selfie captions to add a bit of spice to your snazzy touched up selfies!

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